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Chester, famous as a walled city with a total strength of 1, 18,000 with respect to 2011 population counting. The River Dee flows in the city. The city is close to the Wales border. It got city status in 1541.Saxons constructed churches and several walls in the city. The first cathedral of the town was West Mercia’s church. Saxons further renovated and built stronger walls to save it from future attacks primarily Danes. Normans defeated this city at the end of all cities. William the Conqueror constructed a castle in the city. The walls of the city remains intact till now. The city also has medieval structures. New roads, railway lines and canals were built during the industrial revolution. Grosvenor Museum and Chester Town are the most prominent builds in the basket of the city.
The history began with the rule of Romans in AD 79. The city’s Amphitheatre total capacity to hold the strength of 10,000 and counted as largest amphitheatres. After the withdrawal of Romans troops from here, Romans-British era started. The city played game-changing role during the industrial revolution. The city also has Union canal in the core region of the city. A large portion of the area is reserved for The Duke of Westminster.
Geography and Climate
The city is situated in the southern part of the Great Britain. Owing to trapping of many stones within its strata, the pebble beds of the city are easily locatable. The dense forests and heathland are found in the Northern and Eastern part of Chester. The climatic condition of the Chester is maritime owing to its location near to the Irish Sea. Nevertheless, the morning temperature is similar to the Inland areas. This contrast reason is that of the Welsh Mountains to the southwest of the city. The Pennine Mountains covers the Northeast part of the city. The Hawarden Airport is the city airport provides quick service to the passengers. The average annual rainfall is below 700mm.
Tourist Attractions and landmarks
The city walls, The Rows, and The black-and-white architecture are some of the famous architectures of the city basket. The city’s most important buildings are the cathedral and the Townhall. A large Amphitheatre is also built in the city. There has been a number of tourists who like to visit Grosvenor Museum. The city’s important summer festival is Summer Music Festival. It attracted a huge of tourists in the city. Apart from this, mystery plays and a literature festival is also being organised in the city. For the facilitation of the tourists, the government also initiated information Centre in the town.
The city majority population is white. It accounts around 90% of strength. The rest of the people are from Asian Community, Mixed Race, Sikhs and a few more. The last population counting happened in 2014. As per the numbers, the urban population is 1, 19,000.
The University of Chester gets the lion’s share of students for higher and technical education. Earlier it was just a teacher training institute, but a few years later, it was transformed to University. This transformation took place in 2005. A Law based institution is also there in the city. The West Cheshire College is acknowledged as the best college for vocational training. Its strength is also increasing day by day with a number of students taking part in this field. The King school is giving its services to primary children.
The regional culture of the city is rich. One should visit at least these places like Gateway Theatre, Odeon Cinema and Grosvenor while visiting this city. It would be a great experience to visit these places.